I Welcome You In My World

Hello friends I'm here to give you some valuable facts happening
around the world.The things which ought to be known to you.I'll make you comfortable and knowledgeable about the facts and figures which I provide you.Country will grow more rapidly and fastly when His countrymen are wise and should know everything happening around them.To serve the country is our Birth Right and we should not forget this.Just feel that moment when somebody ask you or someone else a question then if you know the answer and if you satisfy him with your reply then the great pleasure comes suddenly after that and you feel a bit proud of yourself so I just want from you to Grab that feeling and show your presence in the world.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Say No To Leather Stuffs

Hello friends,welcome
once again I'm here
to tell you that we
must not use the product
made of animals skin,
we must avoid using the
leather products,the
product for which many
animals are being killed.
If we try to boycott these
products then to some extent
we can create a revolution in
saving these innocent living
creatures who are killed for cheap uses.So do you know who
can bring such type of revolution? Its no one but US,Yes by
the effort of we people we can make the difference.So stand
with me against this cruelty and say NO to leather stuffs.Many
people proudly say that they are 100% Vegetarian or 100% Vegan
they are far from such cruelty."How can you stop eating animals,
but continue to wear them?”There are many different answers to
this question,but if your answeris, “I can’t,”then what do you do?
Like a vegetarian diet,people often choose to “quit leather” at
different stages. But they don't know or they don't give their
attentions that they are sometimes using the products made of
animal skin,the handbag purse,boots and many other products.
There is an alternative of leather products and these are Eco
friendly products often termed as vegan stuffs and Don't worry
many companies are taking much attention towards ecofriendly
products.Its my plea to You people just avoid using the Leather
products which are made from animal skins.85% of the world's fur
comes from China where animals including Dogs and Cats are

You'll definately gonna realise
after seeing the video below how
cruel people are who kill animals
for getting some cheap luxuries
in their life.Please avoid such
products for animals sake.They are
also the gift of God and they are
here as our companions so don't
let anyone use them so harshly
which cost them(animals)their life.


1 comment:

  1. Right remark ya got there, m8.

    But the biggest prob we face is the lack of stores/showrooms showcasing such Eco-friendly products.

    We need to work toward setting-up of such stores.
